Tarot Divination, Love Magick, Personal Creative Energy, Powerful Spell-casting

The Online Courses offer a chance to deeply explore your own personal mojo. Charge up what you bring to this world and to yourself and to the family around you!

I have been reading cards for a while - tried the certifications, seminars, etc., - all to build my craft and of course become more comfortable. Your class was a game-changer for me. Truly one of the best classes/workshops I’ve taken on tarot.

Laura Wendling

Love Witch Tarot School 

I want you to be a legendary Tarot Reader and so I created this course...(write first person stuff for each description)


Love Witch Academy 

Learn what self-love looks like and how to incorporate it into your daily routine.


Witch Camp: Book of Spells, Crafting Your Enchanted Grimoire

Learn what self-love looks like and how to incorporate it into your daily routine.


The Spectaculus School of Spellcasting

A Course companion to Bohemian Magick


Come join your magical family of Witches!

With one-on-one guidance and group support, you've found a safe place to dig deep and nurture your inner self.