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~Witch Camp: The Year of the High Priestess

Spring Session 2024~ 

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The Second Year beckons...

What mysteries does the High Priestess have to reveal to you?

"When you show up for your magick, your magick shows up for you."


Enter the Year of the High Priestess.

The High Priestess holds a mystical tome of ancient knowledge. On the pages of her magickal book is the story of You.

In all your lifetimes.

In all your magick.

In all your power.  

Immerse Yourself in the deeper dive of Second Year Witch Camp. The High Priestess holds the mysteries of all of your mystic knowledge and lifetimes behind her light blue cloak. All will be revealed when you seek her......

The High Priestess year offers a journey in which the ritual practices and workshops build upon each other to conclude with a final High Ceremony Ritual. 

  • Taking the High Priestess Vow and Building Your Energetic Temple. 
    • This is the year in which you will cross the Three Gates ("By crossing the gates, the thresholds three, I call my power back to me"), work with the powers of Witch's Brooms in your ritual, build your own energetic temple for spellcasting and take your High Priestess vow. 
  • The Art of Incantations:
    • How to focus your intention for a spell and use your words as wands. Rhyming spells and repeating spells are doorways to achieving an alpha brain state, which is ideal for spell casting. In this workshop, each Witch will craft their own High Priestess incantation to call their magick back to them and as a group, we will will craft an incantation for our final ceremony which will be penned in the Witch Camp Legacy Grimoire. 
  • Green Witchery: Craft Your Own Anointing Oil. 
    • Scent magick is a portal to the soul. Join New Orleans herbalist Vanessa Degrassi and learn how to work with herbs, plants and flowers to create your own High Priestess anointing oil. 
  • Crafting Your Relic with David Varlow
    • A relic is an object with mystical powers and eternal mystery. In this workshop we will individually and as a group embue a sacred object with words and rituals to create a relic to be used in the final ceremony. You will bring your personal powers and story to your relic and forever after your object will hold the properties of legend. 
  • The Seance of Your Sacred Self: 
    • In this Past Life ritual, summon visions & clues to your own ancient wisdom through combining the elements of what you learned this week in the High Priestess journey. Activate your anointing oil, speak your incantation, honor your relic and work your enchanted Witch Mirror to reach back into former lifetimes and knowledge.
  • High Priestess Ceremony.
    • Together as a coven, we will perform a High Ceremony of Magick, in which each Witch has a vital part as something they have built, remembered or gleaned during the week. We come together as High Priestesses across the land and across time. 

The Story Behind Witch Camp Sophomore Year

When the High Priestess would appear in a reading, my Grandma Helen would say, "There is magick within you that you have not even discovered yet."

Let's unlock that mystery together. 

The Year of the Magician brought us the understanding that we have the tools within us and gave us the foundation of a supportive soul community.

The Year of the High Priestess will reveal even deeper truths and facets to our individual magick through practice, ceremony, craft and ritual.

Witch Camp provides that safe space to ignite that spark of childhood, but now with the power and wisdom of your adult self. 

My personal mission in creating Witch Camp is to uplift and support you on your own journey, so that you may fully embrace your unique supernatural gifts and uncover powers you might not have even been aware of.

Witch Camp is also a place for you to discover new aspects of the Craft with hands-on instruction in a nurturing learning environment. All of the Witch Camp teachers focus on nonjudgemental learning techniques to create space for campers to try new ideas, to volunteer new imaginative ways of magick, to share and to encourage new ways to tap into their own individual high magick without fear of failure, mistakes or ridicule. With this method of learning and sharing, I have witnessed people brand new to the Craft lead powerful ritual when they listened to what their heart and their own intuition told them.

I believe that true magick is a matter of remembering what's already within you and giving that a voice.

My mission is to create a safe space in our coven that you can always call home.

''Each and every moment, from quiet journaling in the woods to the grand group ceremonies, I cherish dearly. Witch Camp has had a profound affect on my life; helping me to meet like-minded friends and to weave magick into my daily life." - Heather Blanchard

The Witch Camp Creed

Witch Camp welcomes all levels of experience from brand-new beginners to advanced practitioners. We believe that everyone has their own unique magick to share and also to learn at Witch Camp. This retreat is open to all female, queer, trans, non-binary and two spirit identified people. We foster a climate of purposeful inclusion, an environment where all can feel safe, valued, cared for and given an opportunity to form meaningful connections with each other. We cherish the diversity of humanity, a diversity which includes differences in age, race, ethnicity, natural origin, range of abilities, sexual orientation and gender identity, because when we learn and share our unique experiences in a thriving, safe community, that's where the real magick happens. 

"At Witch Camp, Veronica creates moments of magic and beauty that stir up the cauldron of power within you and help bring forth your most powerful, playful and purposeful self." - Jenn Rose

Your Witch Camp Ticket Includes:

  • Meet The Witches (One Hour Zoom Call Prior To Camp Beginning To Foster Friendships & Connection
  • 6 Days at the Mystery Mansion (Monday Check-In at 11am-Saturday Check-Out at 6pm)
  • 5 Days of Daily Lessons (Monday-Friday) with a Unique Line-Up of Witch Instructors
  • Interactive Rituals Custom Tailored to the Group
  • Hands-On Art Magick Crafting
  • A Handmade Witch Mirror to Take Home with You.
  • A Hand-Crafted Ceremonial Anointment Oil.
  • Meet The Witches for Witchy Hors d'oeuvres & Warlock Lemonade on Monday 4pm Meeting Hour!
  • Daily Breakfast (Tuesday-Friday) Selection of Snowy Owl Teas (mmmm!), Craft Coffees, Local Pastries, Granola Bars and Fruit 
  • Daily Vegetarian Lunch Provided by Milkfig Apothecary (Tuesday-Friday)
  • Pizza Party with New Orleans' Famous Pizza Delicious on Friday Night!

Sample Schedules

Of course, at Witch Camp, there are always delicious Witchy surprises that won't be revealed until you arrive - but these sample schedules will give you an idea of flow.

  • Day 1: Monday
    • Beginning at 11am, Check-In is available so you can get settled in your room, have some rest and enjoy the grounds. 
    • 4pm-5pm: Meet the Witches! Warlock Lemonade and Culinary Treats will be hosted by David Varlow in the Mystery Mansion's 1860's Vintage Kitchen.
    • 5pm-7pm: Crossroads Ceremony, Witch Camp Song, Red Room Circle.
  • Day 2: Tuesday (Theme: Word Witchery & Story Spells Day):
    • 8am-10am: Breakfast 
    • 10am-1pm: Workshops
    • 1pm-2pm Lunch Lovingly Curated By Milkfig Apothecary
    • 2pm-5pm Free Time in New Orleans (You may take this time for a nap, for writing and self-reflection, or you can explore the French Quarter and local sites!)
    • 5pm-7pm: Nightly Ritual
  • Day 3: Wednesday (Theme: On Wednesdays, We Wear Black) 
    • 8am-10am: Breakfast
    • 10am-1pm: Workshops
    • 1pm-2pm Lunch Lovingly Curated By Milkfig Apothecary
    • 2pm-5pm: Free Time
    • 5pm-7pm: Night Ritual
  •  Day 4: Thursday: 
    • 8am-10am: Breakfast
    • 10am-1pm: Workshops
    • 1pm-2pm Lunch Loving Curated By Milkfig Apothecary
    • 2pm-5pm Free Time
    • 5pm-7pm Nightly Ritual
  • Day 5: Friday: 
    • 8am-10am: Breakfast
    • 10am-1pm Workshops
    • 1pm-2pm Lunch Lovingly Curated By Milkfig Apothecary
    • 2pm-4pm Free Time
    • 4pm-5pm Witch Camp Photos
    • 5pm-7pm Final Ceremony
    • 7pm Pizza Party from New Orleans famous Pizza Delicious!
  • Day 6: Saturday:
    • Free Day (Check-Out at 6pm)

Witch Camp: The High Priestess October 16th - 21st, 2023


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Witch Camp: The High Priestess October 16th - 21st, 2023


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